Ideas to occupy your blond heads

We're almost there, D – not much before the All Saints holidays. Do not panic, we will help you find solutions to occupy your little angels during these holidays.

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Come on, courage it will be fine! As we’re nice, we’ll give you some ideas for activities in Andernos-les-Bains to keep your blond heads occupied.

1. Walks, a little, a lot, madly, passionately

You may have already read the article devoted to the natural site of Quinconces?  What is certain is that this natural site is the perfect place to gallop your dear offspring / your kitties until exhaustion. And if you, instead of walking, prefer to pedal, it is possible! Andernos is miles of cycle paths, most of the time separate from the road. The great cycling breaks are yours along the seawall of the swimming pool or in the direction of the Grand Crohot beach for example. With supplies in the backpack, you’re ready for any adventure. Well equipped, you can also explore the coastal path, which winds from Lège to Audenge or on the green belt along the Bétey stream.

2. Terra Aventura

It is a virtual treasure hunt, 100% New Aquitaine, which allows you to explore a city, while answering riddles. Each (correct) answer allows you to navigate to the next point. The final question leads you to a cache containing a collector’s Poïz. This game is available on a dedicated application, and also in printable paper circuit via the website More than 500 courses are offered in Nouvelle-Aquitaine, you have plenty to do;) To discover them all, it’s hier.

3. Guided tours, but not only!

We will not detail the entire “Going out to Andernos” program, available at the tourist office, but at least presenting our “favorites” for “toddlers” or to do with the family:

We don’t leave mom in a corner! Neither daddy by the way, but for reference, it didn’t work as well …

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In this adventure (in the woods therefore, since you followed from the title;)), parents and children team up to succeed in the various challenges offered. Two dates are scheduled during the holidays, Thursday October 28 and November 4 at 10 a.m.: reservation possible online or at the tourist office

From media library to game library, there is only one step! The Les Ludes association takes possession of the space from 3 p.m. for a frenzied afternoon on Friday, October 29. Access is free but reservation is required on 05 56 03 93 93

Obviously, the beach you know !. But what about the little beasts that inhabit it? Well, fortunately, we know a specialist;) Béatrice Lafourcade takes you with her to meet the specimens of the basin (and we are talking about crustaceans!). An idea for an outing that will certainly delight young and old! For more outing ideas or last-minute inspiration, our online agenda is your best ally!


We promise you, these holidays will be the occasion of indelible memories.